Psychology and Neuroscience have always fascinated me. The Brain is an amazing organ and I often find myself down the proverbial rabbit hole of reading about it. I recently felt inspired to create some fun pieces to share and allow me to continue down my curious path.
The special material used to piece together the brain is colored translucent vinyl. It is reminiscent of school day classroom lectures where overhead projectors were often used.
Fluid intelligence involves basic processes of reasoning and other mental activities that depend only minimally on prior learning and acculturation. It is formless and can "flow into" a wide variety of cognitive activities. Tasks measuring fluid reasoning require the ability to solve abstract reasoning problems. Examples of tasks that measure fluid intelligence include figure classifications, figural analyses, number and letter series, matrices, and paired associates. Fluid intelligence involves the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and other systems related to attention and short-term memory.
Dimensions: 18in x 18in
Material: Mixed Media on Board
Contact me if you are interested in this piece or purchasing CRYSTALIZED & FLUID as a pair.
Horn, John L. (1968). "Organization of abilities and the development of intelligence". Psychological Review. 75 (3): 242–259. doi:10.1037/h0025662. ISSN 1939-1471. PMID 4875815.
Brown, Richard (15 December 2016). "Hebb and Cattell: The Genesis of the Theory of Fluid and Crystalized Intelligence".